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What do alpacas eat?

Writer: Fostings AlpacasFostings Alpacas

Updated: Feb 18

Alpacas require just 20% fibre and 10-12% protein in their diets, which can usually be obtained from eating good quality grass and ad-lib (free access to eat as much and as often as desired) hay, but can be given a supplementary feed where appropriate.

How much grazing does an alpaca need?

The typical stocking density is between 4 and 5 alpacas per acre, with the exact number depending upon the quality of the grass. According to the British Alpaca Society, "The stocking rate for alpacas varies depending upon whether the grass being grazed by the alpacas is of a native low density variety, also referred to as rough grazing, grassland under five years of age and grassland over five years of age. The stocking rate of alpacas not only depends upon the amount of grass but also the quality (energy and protein) available which is dependent on the frequency and intensity of the grazing schedule and the mixture of species found in the lay.

In general the stocking rates for alpacas are as follow

– Rough grazing land: 4 to 5 alpacas per acre – Permanent pasture which is over five years old: 5 to 6 per acre. – Temporary pasture which is less than five years old: 6 to 8 per acre."

Do I need to rest grazing for my alpacas?

Ideally, the paddock should be split into two halves so that one half of the grazing can be rested at any time. Rotation should then occur every 6-8 weeks to help reduce worm burden and ensure that the grass has time to rest and recuperate. Soils found within the UK are often lacking in certain minerals and elements; pastures and soils can be easily analysed to assess any areas of deficiency.

Providing hay for your alpaca

Hay or haylage needs to be provided ad-lib. Use hay racks, NOT nets, as they can become entangled in nets. Ample hay racks should be provided to reduce fighting between alpacas. For the digestive system to work effectively, 85-90% of an alpaca’s daily intake needs to be long stem forage and require 20% fibre & 10-12% protein, which can normally be obtained from just good grazing & hay. To ensure maintenance of body condition, hay quality can be tested to check if supplementary feed is required in addition to the hay and grass. In times of old age or ill health, un-molassed chaff or chopped grass can be provided as an addition or substitution for hay. Deter rodents and other unwanted animals nesting, urinating and defecating in the hay supplies. Store hay/haylage well to prevent it becoming mouldy (under a canopy and sat atop palettes to provide airflow and prevent damp). 

Are any plants toxic to alpacas?

It is really important to check your pasture regularly for poisonous plants. Foxgloves, Rhododendrons, Ferns, Rye Grass, Rushes, Daffodils, Privets, Rapes, Ragworts, Laburnums, Hemlocks, Marsh Mallows are toxic to alpacas. Check out this helpful document from the BAS for an extensive list on what to look out for.

What supplementary feed is best for alpacas?

Every day, alpacas need to be fed a maintenance ration of Camelibra, a vitamin & mineral supplementation designed specifically for camelids that mimics what they would obtain in the Andes. Winter vitamin D supplementation is still required in addition to this (read on for more on this).

Alpacas are so efficient at absorbing nutrition from grass and hay that additional supplementation should only be provided during times when pasture is poor, at times of compromised physiological state (i.e. during pregnancy, lactation or growth) or when an alpaca has a poor body condition score. There are various general livestock feeds available on the market, but we highly recommend considering a camelid specific feed such as Speedi-beet, Fibregest or Waterhouse Feeds. Whichever feed you opt for, make sure to measure out the appropriate amounts for weight, age, sex, condition (this will differ from feed to feed). Beware of feeds with added molasses, as this is sugary and fattening and coarse mixes in particular can cause dental issues.

What can I feed a thin alpaca?

If you notice an alpaca is looking thin, make sure you have allowed at least 4ft trough space per head to reduce aggression amongst alpacas at feeding time and to ensure shy alpacas get the nutrition they need - it may be necessary to separate thinner alpacas for feeding to allow them ample time to eat their ration and stop gutsy alpacas eating it for them! It is also worth running a FEC (Faecal Egg Count) to identify if worms might be the reason for the alpaca losing weight. When you need to put condition on an alpaca, sugar beet can be fed (our preferred choice is Speedi-beet), but ALWAYS make sure it is soaked as according to the packaging because it can be fatal if fed dry.

What can I feed alpacas as treats?

Alpacas can enjoy the following foods as a treat in small quantities and cut into small chunks to avoid choking:

  • Carrots

  • Strawberries

  • Apple

  • Watermelon

  • Celery

  • Cabbage

  • Brussel Sprouts

  • Banana

  • Pumpkin

It may take a bit of trial and error to find what your alpacas like the best!

My alpaca is choking

Choke is an obstruction of the oesophagus that can occur in alpacas when food gets trapped in their throat. Symptoms of choke in alpacas include coughing, putting their head down, dribbling, inability to eat. If you see an alpaca choking, take food away immediately to prevent them from ingesting more and increasing the size of the blockage and carefully syringe water into their mouth and massage the neck to try and move the blockage either up or down. If you are unable to remove the blockage, you may need to call the vet and it may be necessary to provide pain relief and anti-inflammatory. You may want to skip the alpaca's meals for a day or two to allow any swelling and irritation to ease. Monitor the alpaca at next couple of feeding times to check if it happens again and if it does, try to identify WHY... Is the food too big? Are they gutsing food too fast? Is there arguing amongst alpacas? is there not enough room at the troughs? If after addressing any concerns above, it is still happening, consider changing feed options and ask the vet to visit to check if the teeth are ok. Regular choking can lead to scarring & permanent damage, so it is very important to prevent it from happening. 

Vitamin D Supplements

Alpacas need Vitamin AD&E paste throughout darker months in places of lower sun levels, such as the UK, as they are susceptible to Vitamin D deficiency. This is particularly important for growing alpacas to prevent rickets, those with darker skin/heavy fleeces (which may block UV light and reduce absorption of vitamin D) and pregnant females to aid growth of unborn cria.


If you are in the UK, administer ADE & B12 Paste orally between September/October - March/April (how early you start and late you finish will depend upon how sunny or not the weather has been in late Summer, into early Autumn). This is usually given at 5cc for young alpacas and 10cc for adult alpacas, every 4-6 weeks, but check the dosage and frequency on the product label, as concentrations may vary and be careful not to overdose, as this can be toxic to the alpaca. You can purchase this from Alpaca & Llama Care, Homestead Farm Supplies or Eggsport, If buying a 300ml tube, an applicator gun will also be required. 

If you have alpacas that like to spit out the paste, vitamin injections can be used - consult your vet for further information on this.

Can you give mineral licks to alpacas?

Vitamin blocks, licks or buckets are not recommended as alpacas do not readily lick themselves or anything else, so it is unlikely they will get the minerals and vitamins they need from this method.

Disclaimer: Fostings Alpacas are not veterinary experts, so always consult your vet when considering appropriate feeds for your herd.


Learn how to look after alpacas

This 110 page E-Guide is packed full of information for new and prospective alpaca keepers, covering Alpaca 101, Essential Requirements, Diet & Pasture Management, Costs to Purchase & Keep Alpacas, Routine Husbandry and Common Disease & Parasites in Alpacas. The E-Guide is downloadable upon purchase so you can dive straight in! For the full contents list and to get your copy, just click the image below!

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